Policies and Procedures

To ensure that each program we accredit meets a uniform standard, and that our accreditation process maintains uniformity and integrity, APA follows a number of rigorous policies and procedures. Browse our policies and procedures below to find out more about our standards, process and regulations.

Standards of Accreditation for Health Service Psychology and Accreditation Operating Procedures (SoA-AOP) 

Accreditation standards for doctoral, internship and postdoctoral residency programs and procedures that guide the accreditation process.

Implementing Regulations (IRs)

 (Note: View in Acrobat Reader 9 or later) 

Click the links below to review each relevant section: 

Section C is designed as a companion piece to the SOA, containing statements and policies that elucidate, interpret, and operationally define the accreditation criteria. 

Section D is designed as a companion piece to the AOP, containing statements and policies that elucidate, interpret, and operationally define the accreditation procedures. 

Other Resources

Canadian Psychological Association and American Psychological Association Mutual Recognition: First Street Accord

  • To obtain a signed Business Associate Agreement with CoA, please contact the APA Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation at (202) 336-5979 or by email. You may also print a copy of CoA's Business Associate Agreement, complete the missing information and send a signed copy to the APA Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.
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