These Excel workbooks were developed to serve as templates for providing the data required by Implementing Regulations (IRs) C-26 M, C-26 D, C-27 I, and C-23 P in a clear and consistent format.
To complete each table, simply enter the appropriate figures in each of the blank cells. Any table that includes percentages will have these figures automatically calculated based on the raw data that is entered. Once you complete all of your data entry, you can export the tables as a PDF, save each separate table as an image or have your web designers recreate them in the format that they require. It is critical that you keep the row and column labels from these tables. Your program will be considered out of compliance with the IR if they are not consistent with this document.
Please note that some of the worksheets have conditional formatting. If you enter numbers that will cause the percentages in a table to exceed 100 percent, the appropriate cells will turn red. This indicates that the raw data you've entered is incorrect. Some cells also have data validation enabled, which may cause hover text to appear. Click into a different cell and this text will disappear.
More complete information on what to include in the tables is provided in the Section C IRs (and Section C-M IRs) for each level of training. Templates are available for programs as they prepare to make disclosure data public:
Master’s: IR C-26 M template
Doctoral: IR C-26 D template (XLS, 59KB)
Internship: IR C-27 I template (XLS, 40KB) IR C-27 I template (DOC, 34KB)
Postdoctoral: IR C-23 P template (XLS, 39KB) IR C-23 P template (DOC, 33KB)
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the format or content of these tables, please feel free to contact the APA Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation at (202) 336-5979 or by