CoA Digital Master’s Application Materials
Self-studies at the master’s level cannot be submitted through the portal. Please see the Master’s Accreditation page for more information on how to submit a self-study. Narrative Sheets, required tables, and other uploads that are required in a master’s program’s self-study have been provided below. Applicants should complete their self-studies using the linked templates then email the OPCA at programreview@apa.org indicating that they wish to submit their self-study.
2026 Narrative Sheet for Master’s Programs (DOCX, 139KB)
Standard I: Institutional and Program Context
Standard II: Aims, Competencies, Curriculum and Outcomes
Standard III: Students
Standard IV: Faculty
2026 Narrative Preparation Sheet for Doctoral Programs
Text from Online Self-study Module in the CoA Portal.
Standard I: Institutional and Program Context
Standard II: Aims, Competencies, Curriculum and Outcomes
Standard III: Students
Standard IV: Faculty
2025 Narrative Preparation Sheet for Doctoral Programs (DOCX, 120KB)
Text from Online Self-study Module in the CoA Portal.
Standard I: Institutional and Program Context
Standard II: Aims, Competencies, Curriculum and Outcomes
Standard III: Students
Standard IV: Faculty
2026 Narrative Preparation Sheet for Internship Programs
Text from Online Self-Study Module in the CoA Portal.
Standard I: Institutional and Program Context
Standard II: Aims, Training, Competencies and Outcomes
Standard III: Interns
Standard IV: Supervisor/Faculty/Staff Leadership
2025 Narrative Preparation Sheet for Internship Programs (DOCX, 109KB)
Text from Online Self-Study Module in the CoA Portal.
Standard I: Institutional and Program Context
Standard II: Aims, Training, Competencies and Outcomes
Standard III: Interns
Standard IV: Supervisor/Faculty/Staff Leadership
2026 Narrative Preparation Sheet for Postdoctoral Residency Programs
Text from Online Self-Study Module in the CoA Portal.
Standard I: Institutional and Program Context
Standard II: Aims, Competencies, Training, and Outcomes
Standard III: Residents
Standard IV: Program Faculty/Staff
2025 Narrative Preparation Sheet for Postdoctoral Residency Programs (DOCX, 117KB)
Text from Online Self-Study Module in the CoA Portal.
Standard I: Institutional and Program Context
Standard II: Aims, Competencies, Training, and Outcomes
Standard III: Residents
Standard IV: Program Faculty/Staff
Accredited programs are assigned a self-study due date in the winter of the year before that in which their next site visit is scheduled. Once the program is informed of that due date, the self-study will open in the CoA Portal. Doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral residency programs applying for initial accreditation must first register in the Portal. Once that registration is confirmed by the Office, the online self-study opens and the program can begin crafting responses to the focused questions and completing the required tables. Master’s programs applying for initial accreditation should use the self-study forms for master’s programs listed above and contact the OPCA indicating that they wish to submit their completed self-study.
Self-studies at the doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral residency level are to be submitted online in the CoA Portal. Applicant programs seeking initial accreditation must first register on the CoA Portal in order to have the self-study made available for completion.
Self-studies at the master’s level cannot be submitted through the portal. Programs should complete their self-studies using the templates linked above then email the OPCA at programreview@apa.org indicating that they wish to submit their self-study. For more information on the application process, please see the Master’s Accreditation page.
Note: The application to declare “Intent to Apply” must be submitted via email. See APA Accreditation Process for more information.
Programs without proximal and distal outcome data can apply for contingent accreditation. See Implementing Regulations (IRs) C-28 M, C-29 D, C-26 I, and C-22 P for details on contingent accreditation for each level of training. Programs are eligible to apply for full accreditation when they can provide both proximal and distal outcome data consistent with the requirements of the relevant data Implementing Regulation (IRs C-18 M, C-18 D, IR C-16 I, IR C-16 P).
For a master’s program to apply for “accredited, on contingency” status, it must have enrolled a minimum of two years of student cohorts, one of which must be engaged in clinical experience training. For a doctoral program to apply for “accredited, on contingency” status, it must have enrolled a minimum of two student cohorts, one of which must be engaged in practicum training. Internship programs may apply for “accredited, on contingency” status when they can ensure that at least 2 interns will be on site at the time of the site visit. Postdoctoral residencies may apply for “accredited, on contingency” status when they can ensure that at least one resident will be on site at the time of the site visit.
Yes. Narrative preparation sheets are available on the commission's website for programs to use as they draft responses to the focused questions and complete the required tables. Programs should use the narrative preparation sheets for the year during which they will be site visited. This means that accredited programs assigned self-study due dates prior to September 1 should use the current year’s narrative preparation sheets. Accredited programs assigned a self-study due date of September 1 or later should use the upcoming year’s narrative preparation sheets.
For master’s and doctoral programs, the CoA requires that a department-level administrator (e.g., department chair or dean) and the president/institutional director provide countersignatures prior to self-study submission. At the master’s level, the countersignature process included in the transmittal document. Internships and postdoctoral programs must secure a countersignature from the president/institutional director. The countersignature indicates that those parties with authority over the program have approved the contents of the self-study, and the signature of the president/institutional director serves as an invitation for the CoA to conduct a site visit. These parties will also receive copies of the CoA decision letter. See the FAQ about the countersignature process. (PDF, 386KB)
The office cannot predict whether or how soon a site visit will be granted. Applications for accreditation are reviewed in the order in which they are submitted. Depending on the number of applications received, the timeline for review may take several months. Please note that authorization of a site visit is never guaranteed. Further, upon authorization of a visit the CoA cannot guarantee a specific timeframe for the site visit or final decision.
The initial date of accreditation (for applicant programs that become accredited) will be the final day of the site visit preceding the CoA’s final accreditation decision. Students/trainees completing the program after the initial date of accreditation are considered to have completed an APA accredited program.