External Requests for Research

As stated in Implementing Regulation E1-3(a) (Use of Data and Research Personnel Resources), when a request for additional research is approved by CoA, the aggregate results of such analyses will be made available to the public through the Internet.

Request Received: 2006-2021

2021, Students who Attrited from Doctoral and Internship Programs between 2014-2020

A professor of counseling psychology at a U.S. university requested the total number of students who left accredited doctoral and internships programs for any other reason than successful completion of the program between 2014 and 2020. In addition, data was requested on the percentage of international students and students who reported having a disability that left the program. These data will be present by year, program substantive area (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, etc.), and program type (doctoral and internship). These data will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Students who Attrited from Doctoral and Internship Programs between 2014-2020 (PDF, 142 KB)

2020, Percentage of International Faculty in Doctoral Programs between 2015-2019

A professor emeritus of counseling psychology at a U.S. university requested the percent of foreign national faculty in accredited doctoral psychology programs between 2015 and 2019. These data will be present by year and program substantive area (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, etc.). These data will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Percentage of International Faculty in Doctoral Programs between 2015-2019 (PDF, 109KB)

2020, 2018, and 2019 Students Accepted to Accredited vs. Non-Accredited Internship Programs

An associate executive director at APA requested the number of doctoral students in accredited psychology programs in 2019 and 2018 that applied for (and obtained) a doctoral internship in APA/CPA-accredited programs and non-accredited programs. These data will be presented overall and by program substantive area (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, etc.). These data will be used by the American Psychological Association Office of Early Career Psychologists and Graduate Student Affairs to identify areas of need for advocacy, and to better inform advocacy efforts.

Doctoral Student Internship Placement in Accredited Programs as Reported in the 2019 and 2018 Annual Report Online (PDF, 132KB)

2018, Student Diversity at All Levels of Training
Another office in APA working in partnership with a major research university requested a breakdown of diversity in students and trainees with program characteristics such as attrition, successful degree completion and employment. Findings are presented by race/ethnicity, gender, ADA and foreign national statuses from 2007-11 and 2016-17.

2016 and 2017 Students Accepted to Accredited vs. Non-Accredited Internship Programs
An associate executive director at APA requested the number of doctoral students in accredited psychology programs in 2017 and 2016 that applied for (and obtained) a doctoral internship in APA/CPA-accredited programs and non-accredited programs. These data will be presented overall and by program substantive area (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, etc.). These data will be used by the American Psychological Association Office of Early Career Psychologists and Graduate Student Affairs to identify areas of need for advocacy, and to better inform advocacy efforts.

2017, Student Diversity in Doctoral Programs
An associate professor of clinical psychology at a U.S. university requested a breakdown of diversity in students with program characteristics such as attrition and incoming undergraduate statistics. Findings are presented by race/ethnicity, gender, ADA and foreign national statuses from 2005-2015. Also requested was student program statistics from 2012-2015. 

2017, Student Diversity at All Levels of Training
Another office in APA working in partnership with a major research university requested a breakdown of diversity in students and trainees with program characteristics such as attrition, successful degree completion, and employment. Findings are presented by race/ethnicity, gender, ADA and foreign national statuses from 2012-2015. This information will be used in an analytical report prepared for public dissemination by the university.

2015, Students Accepted to Accredited vs. Non-Accredited Internship Programs
An assistant director at APA requested the number of doctoral students in accredited psychology programs in 2015 that applied for (and obtained) a doctoral internship in APA/CPA-accredited programs and non-accredited programs. These data will be presented overall and by program substantive area (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, etc.). These data will be used by the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) to identify areas of need for advocacy, and to better inform advocacy efforts.

2014, Students Accepted to Accredited vs. Non-Accredited Internship Programs
An assistant director at APA requested the number of doctoral students in accrdited psychology programs in 2014 that applied for (and obtained) a doctoral internship in APA/CPA-accredited programs and non-accredited programs. These data will be presented overall and by program substantive area (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, etc.). These data will be used by the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) to identify areas of need for advocacy, and to better inform advocacy efforts.

2013, International Students
An associate professor of counseling psychology at a U.S. university requested an update of a previous external research request based on the number and percentage of international students attending APA-accredited doctoral programs in clinical, counseling and school. These data will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

2013, Students Accepted to Accredited vs. Non-Accredited Internship Programs
An assistant director at APA requested the number of doctoral students in accredited psychology programs in 2013 that applied for (and obtained) a doctoral internship in APA/CPA-accredited programs and non-accredited programs. These data will be presented overall and by program substantive area (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, etc.). These data will be used by the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) to identify areas of need for advocacy, and to better inform advocacy efforts.

2012, Clinical Psychology Programs
A doctoral student in Education requested APA-accredited clinical psychology program characteristics, such as: applications received, admission offers made, and student dropouts from 2008-2012. These data will be used in the student's dissertation to help examine the use and alignment of program characteristics in admission criteria for clinical psychology programs.

2012, Data Addressing Internship Imbalance
An associate professor of school psychology at a U.S. university requested a breakdown of early employment setting outcomes for recent graduates by doctoral program area and degree, student placement into APA/CPA accredited internships by doctoral program area and degree, student placement into non-accredited internships such as CDSPP, APPIC, etc., by doctoral program area and degree, and interns’ background substantive area by internship program setting from the 2012 ARO. These data will be shared with CDSPP membership and may be incorporated in an article on how CDSPP is addressing the internship imbalance.

2012, Individuals with Disabilities
A psychologist on behalf of the Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology (CDIP) requested the number of individuals identifying as persons with disabilities and number of students total for doctoral, doctoral internship, and postdoctoral residency programs from 2006-2012. Findings are presented by area and degree for doctoral programs, program setting for internship programs, and practice area for postdoctoral programs. These data will be used to help CDIP better understand the needs of trainees and psychologists with disabilities and to better advocate on their behalf. CDIP will disseminate the information through the committee’s APA website and prepare an empirical article summarizing and analyzing the finding in context of other existent data. A submission to a journal will be considered.  

2012, Part- or Full-Time Interns
A psychologist from an APA-accredited internship program requested the number of interns in accredited programs by part- or full-time internship type by program setting in 2012. These data will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. 

2011, Number of Accredited Internships and Applicants
An associate executive director at APA requested the number of doctoral students in accredited psychology programs in 2011 that applied for (and obtained) a doctoral internship in APA/CPA-accredited programs and non-accredited programs. These data will be presented overall and by program substantive area (e.g., clinical, counseling, school, etc.). A request was also made for the number of positions available in any given year at APA/CPA-accredited doctoral internships. Together, these data will be used by the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) to identify areas of need for advocacy, and to better inform advocacy efforts.

2010, Demographic Breakdown Over Five Years
A doctoral student at an APA-accredited Clinical PhD program requested the demographic breakdown of all students in APA-accredited clinical and counseling programs from the last 5 years.  These data will be used in the student’s dissertation to determine if the sample used in the study was representative of the population. The student specifically requested the data for all programs and individually in the states of New York and California.

2010, Doctoral Student Demographics
A graduate student from an APA-accredited PhD program in counseling psychology requested the demographic breakdown of all students in accredited clinical and counseling psychology programs for the most recent year of available data. These data will be used in the student's dissertation to determine if the sample used in the study was representative of the population.

2010, Frequencies of Doctoral Program Training Models
The director of an APA-accredited PhD program in clinical psychology requested the frequency of accredited programs that identify themselves as having a "scholar-practitioner" training model since 2006. These data will be used in discussions to establish an accurate identity for the program. The Commission on Accreditation agreed to publish the frequency of all training models for accredited programs during that time period.

2009, Clinical Psychology PhD Programs by Training Model
A doctoral student at a clinical psychology PhD program requested the frequency and percentage of the espoused training models of all accredited clinical psychology PhD programs.

2009, International and Domestic Students in Doctoral Programs

A professor of counseling psychology at a U.S. university requested data on the number of (a) international students and (b) total students (int’l + domestic) enrolled in APA-accredited doctoral programs in Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology and School Psychology each year from 2002 to 2009 (separate numbers for each area). The data are presented by area and by degree. This analysis is being used to compare the percentages of and trends in international students admitted into these three areas of study for a book chapter on cross-culturally competent counseling psychologists.

2009, Programs With Maximum Term of Accreditation
A faculty member from a non-accredited clinical PsyD program requested descriptive statistics of the number of core faculty and students of programs that have received a maximum term of accreditation (7 years), broken down by program substantive area and degree. This request is consistent with Implementing Regulation C-18, Core Faculty in Doctoral Programs."

2009, Withdrawn Counseling Psychology PhD Programs

A doctoral student from a counseling psychology program requested data on the number of accredited counseling psychology PhD programs that have voluntarily withdrawn from accreditation in the past 5 years or are in the process of doing so. These data represent all counseling psychology PhD programs within the past 5 years that have an official status of “withdrawn” and “accredited-inactive.”

2007, International Students by Specialty Area
The Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) requested the number and percentage of International Students attending Professional Psychology programs broken down by specialty area (Clinical, Counseling, School) for the last 5 years.

2006, Accredited Internship Programs by Region
The Office of Graduate and Postgraduate Education & Training Programs of APA's Education Directorate requested additional data regarding the number of APA-accredited internship programs and the total number of interns for each region throughout the United States in 2006.

2006, International Students
The Office of International Affairs of APA requested a summary of the numbers and distribution of international students in graduate programs in psychology.

Learn more

Accreditation Annual Report Online Statistics

Doctoral Program Internship Placement Rates: C-20 Analysis
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