APA CoA Verification Site Visit

In the case of a virtual site visit associated with making an award or reaffirmation of accreditation, the APA will perform a limited in-person site visit. The most recent statement from the Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation (OPCA) on virtual site visits is available here.

Below are details on the structure and function of the in-person verification site visit as well as the  Verification Site Visit Templates:

Verification Visit Timeline

All programs undergoing a virtual site visit must be site visited in-person when practicable. In June 2022 CoA completed its first verification visits and will continue to conduct a subset of these visits each cycle. The goal is to ensure that the verification site visit will happen within 2 years of the virtual site visit.

Final Decision Timeline

Accreditation decisions will be made based on the virtual site visit. The required in-person verification visit will not delay the CoA from making final accreditation decisions. However, concerns identified based on the verification visit could lead to additional reporting requirements or a deferral for cause [DFC].

Function of Verification Visit

The in-person site visit will not replicate the virtual visit, or elements thereof. The purpose of the verification visit is to confirm/verify that records and facilities/resources are consistent with that which was reported during the virtual site visit. The verification visitor will not collect new information, but rather confirm the information specific to records/facilities/resources that was reported as part of the virtual site visit. 

Structure of Verification Visit

The verification visit will be conducted through a limited visit (1/2 day) performed by a single site visitor (additional visitor/time may be added for multi-site programs, as needed). The site visitor will be selected at random based on availability and interest. It is not likely that a member of the original virtual site visit team will conduct the verification review; however, it is possible if schedules/availability work.The site visitor will be provided access to the most recent self-study, virtual site visit report, and the program’s response to the virtual site visit report. The in-person verification visit only needs to address the verification questions/items identified by CoA (see Verification Site Visit Templates, below). The verification visit will not consist of additional interviews with administration, faculty/supervisors, or students/trainees. Changes occurring since the virtual site visit should be reported to CoA via the substantive change process (IR C-27 D, C-24 I, C-20 P); and should not be incorporated into the verification review.

Review Process

The site visitor will have 30-days to provide the OPCA with a verification visit report. A copy of this report will be provided to the program. The program may provide written comment or response to any aspect of the report. Such response must be delivered to the OPCA within 30 days of receipt of the report by the program or its host institution. The CoA will proceed with the review of a program once it has received the program’s response. In the absence of a response from the program within the allotted time, the CoA will proceed with the review of the program. In its response to the verification report, the program should correct any errors of fact and provide evidence to counter anything in the report with which the program does not concur. Any statements of fact in the report that are not challenged in the program’s response may be considered by the CoA to be undisputed. The CoA will review the verification report and program response to determine if any additional information is required. The CoA may also review (as needed) any correspondence between the program and the CoA since submission of its most recent self-study (e.g., virtual site visit report, substantive changes, etc.). Concerns identified based on the verification visit could lead to additional reporting requirements or (if the verification report identifies inconsistencies with the SoA) a deferral for cause [DFC].

Verification Site Visit Templates

Additional information on the verification site visit process can be found here.

Please contact the OPCA a t 202-336-5979 or apaaccred@apa.org for additional information.
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