APA is taking this matter very seriously. It is affecting the well-being of students, faculty and staff across Argosy's campuses, many of whom are our peers, colleagues, APA members and governance leaders within APA. Argosy also trained a significant portion of the next generation of psychology's providers, educators and others in the workforce, which has impact on the nation's access to healthcare. A team of experts across the organization is meeting regularly, devoting significant resources to supporting our members and stakeholders, and mobilizing our Advocacy team.
Rosie Phillips Davis, PhD, ABPP, APA's president, and Beth Rom-Rhymer, PhD, chair of the Council Leadership Team, said in part on March 7: “Our principal charge is to protect students and the public by promoting consistent quality in the teaching of psychology … We are developing a nimble advocacy strategy … Moreover, we are in constant contact with relevant agencies and other affected accreditors, so that we stay apprised of the rapidly changing terrain … APA does not have authority over the decisions of the psychology programs, the institution, the Department of Education, and the Argosy receiver. We must be careful to maintain our role as an evaluator and policy guide - APA is committed to continuing to do all within its scope as an accreditor to facilitate these transitions."
Here is some of what APA has been doing:
An accredited program cannot have its accreditation revoked without first being placed on “accredited, on probation” status. Revocation of accreditation occurs when the CoA, in its review of a program on “accredited, on probation” status, has evidence that the program continues to be inconsistent with the SoA.
The effective date of the revocation is the date of the CoA meeting in which the decision was made. If the program appeals the CoA's decision to revoke, and that decision is upheld, the revocation will take effect 30 days after the appeal hearing is held. Individuals completing the program after that date are not considered to have completed an accredited program.
The Commission on Accreditation (CoA) may defer a program on its agenda prior to making a decision. Deferral actions are confidential. The CoA may defer programs for the following reasons:
Deferral for information
The CoA may defer making a decision about a program in order to obtain more information. Further, when in the CoA's judgment, information is incomplete or a significant disparity exists between the site visit report and information provided in the program's response to that report, the CoA may defer making a decision and seek additional information to resolve the difference. When a decision is deferred, the CoA will notify the program in writing and specify what additional information is needed to determine the program's consistency with the SoA.
Deferral for cause
When the CoA has concerns which may result in a decision to deny a site visit upon application, deny accreditation, place an accredited program on probation or revoke accreditation, it will defer its final decision, give written notice to the program of its concerns and thereby provide opportunity to supplement the information provided by the program, before the final decision is made.
When the CoA has deferred a program, either for information or for cause, the program continues to hold its current accreditation status until a final decision has been reached. Deferral actions by the CoA are confidential and will not be shared with the public.
See the FAQs on self-study submission.
The Commission on Accreditation conducts all of its final accreditation reviews and decision making sessions in a closed meeting. In the end, only the accreditation decision is released to the public. Accreditation is meant to be a process of peer review and a forum for honest, ongoing self-evaluation. Accrediting bodies must strike a balance between the public's right to information and the programs' need for honest self-evaluation. The purpose of this confidentiality throughout the accreditation process is for the programs' protection.
Effective July 1, 2005, the Accreditation Operating Procedures changed to allow the office to provide the public with a list of programs that have applied for initial accreditation. If prospective students call to confirm a program’s application and progress in seeking accreditation, the staff can only confirm whether or not a program has submitted its initial application. Staff members do not have the ability to tell prospective students if or when a program might become accredited. In addition, staff will neither be able to confirm nor deny whether a program ever applied for initial accreditation prior to July 1, 2005.